Monday, January 25, 2010

The Silent Killer

The Silent Killer
No, I’m not talking about your old college roommate after burrito night at the dorms. I speak of hypertension. I can remember when high blood pressure was THE focus of primary care physicians and cardiologists. Then sometime in the ‘90’s the focus switched to cholesterol. Now that big pharma’s patents on statin drugs are running out, I’ve notice a switch back to the basics in the literature.
Lately I’ve seen throw backs to warning about salt intake. So much that in some jurisdictions in California and NYC, health departments is contemplating regulating restaurants’ usage. When we consume salt, sodium chloride, the sodium enters our blood stream. Because of homeostasis (the body’s inherit drive to keep everything equal-your body is a socialist) osmotic pressure forces extra fluid into your blood. By the laws of physics, if you increase the volume of a closed system, you increase its pressure. Thus putting extra work on the vessels causing them to harden and occlude which sets off a downward spiral of the above over and over until your lungs fill with fluid and your heart expands then dies.
Step 1, put down the salt shaker. 2) Drink more water. At first this may seem counter-intuitive, but the more water you drink, the more sodium that gets flushed out of your system. 3) Eat more veggies (unsalted of course). Everything that comes out of the ground is high in potassium. Potassium competes for space with sodium in your body. The more you eat, the less sodium, the less sodium, the lower your blood pressure. 4) Chill. Stress raises BP. 5) Chiropractic care. Many research studies have shown that a weekly chiropractic adjustment lowers BP by 10 points.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Held captive by a relationship?

Whom do you try to avoid? An ex-employee? An estranged relative? An ex-associate? An especially demanding client? An ex-boss? Someone you just can't stand being around? (Please, please, please don't let it be me!!!!!!!!!!!)
You have allowed that person to imprison you.
It looks as if you're in control, orchestrating your life so you won't encounter them, expending massive amounts of energy in the process. Instead of being at ease, you're on guard. Instead of fully living, you find yourself continually defensive; on the lookout.
Eliminate this kryptonite from your life. It's based on the lie that this person "does" something to you. When in fact, whatever your reaction is, you do it to yourself. You create the uncomfortableness. You create the feelings of inferiority. You create the sense of dread. Or resentment. And massive amounts of emotional stress that feed back on your body causing/aggravating back pain, carpal tunnel, heart disease, diabetes, sciatica, take you pick of another million or so disorders.
If the person who is the source of all this angst lacks positive qualities (unlikely) then at least chose to become indifferent and lose the shackles.
Take out a piece of paper and write their name on it. Crumple it up and throw it away. Get the thought of them out of your life. Unless of course it's me. If it is; please, please accept my most sincere apology. If I or we've ever offended you, it was not on purpose. I know to many of you this may come as a surprise, but I am not infallible. If you are in pain, don't suffer because of something I may have said, done or failed to.